Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quick Wit and Good Food Served 24/7

My Dad was a great cook. There was nothing fancy on his menu. It was just good food and alot of it. Dad and Mom owned several restaurants and one in particular was the Triangle in Sullivan, Kentucky. The 2 story truck stop was built on a triangular plot of land with 3 busy highways running along the front and sides. My parents along with a small staff kept the restaurant open 24/7. Dealing with the public takes a special kind of person and my Dad suited the role to a T. He never met a stranger, loved to tease and tell stories and could shoot out one liners faster than most. Along with the personality and quick wit he also served good country food. He was well know for his ham platters. A big slab of fried sugar cured ham with the bone in it served with eggs, home fries and the usual fixin's anytime of the day. Folks traveled many a mile just to eat at the Triangle.

One day Mom was working the morning shift and the place was packed. Some travelers come in, find a seat and begin looking over the crowd. Soon you could hear a few down-grading see they were from Chicago way. Of course they wanted to show their superior culinary know how so one lady asked for poached eggs. Mom brought them to the table three times and each time some silly complaint sent them back to the kitchen. Daddy decided it was time for him to step in. When he delivered the eggs he asked, with his gravely voice, what the problem was and well miraculously there wasn't one. She decided to make nice nice and engage Daddy in a conversation about Kentucky Hillbillies.....wrong move. She made the usual observation that no one had on overalls and they were all wearing shoes. "Why where were the Hillbillies?" Without missing a beat Dad said "Why $#%@ lady we sent them all to Illinois to be school teachers."

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